
Get More Insight Into Your Bid Strategy With Top Signals

Smart Bidding Strategies in Google Ads helps you boost campaign performance while saving your time also. To give you more transparency into which factors are driving your results, you can now see your top bidding signals in the bid strategy report.

Now, Google is starting to show which signals are driving results to optimize bids for people more or less likely to convert.

These signals might include device type, location, day of week, time of day, keywords, re-marketing list & customer match lists etc. You might also see combinations of signals such as time and keywords. Signals in red are less likely to convert in that strategy, while signals in green are more likely to convert.

Where to see top signals reporting?

Top signals report will show in the bid strategy report. This report is only available for portfolio bid strategies. The bid strategy report is located from Tools > Shared Library > Bid Strategies. Then select a portfolio strategy. Acc. to Google, it will show for Target CPA & Maximize conversions on Search, but you may be able to see top signals for other portfolio strategies.